Photo Gallery Greg at his first book launch party in Greensboro, Alabama My better half, Karen, in the Dominican Republic One of those half marathons. University of Alabama co-ed telling me “You got this—keep going.” Checking out a tankful of paddlefish hauled from Kentucky State University to west Alabama. A two-thousand-pound loading net full of farm-raised channel catfish Greg teaching recreational pond management at a field workshop for Auburn Extension A five-year-old hybrid catfish capable of sucking down recently stocked fingerlings Checking crawfish traps in an Extension result demonstration National Forest near Yellowstone National Park. Bear spray is evident. Glock 10mm is not. Greg and Karen at an Auburn football game in Jordan Hare Stadium A picture for my next book, The Bones of Sacagawea: A Quest For Her “Hope this isn’t my last sunset.” Greg consulting with his partner, Lulu. An unsanctioned, “illegal” photo of the actual presidential bunker, Raven Rock Mountain Complex in southern Pennsylvania. Greg's Favorite Canine Memes